2021 NYS Statewide Policy Platform
A1592(Gottfried)/S1857(Hoylman) - SUPPORT
GENDA Implementation in Schools - Requires schools to adopt policies and procedures that ensure that schools and their employees treat students consistent with their gender identities or expressions, including by correctly using students’ names and pronouns; ensuring that students can participate in single-sex activities and use the single-sex spaces most consistent with their gender identities; and making sure that students’ records accurately reflect their gender.
S2584 (Brouk)/ A6616 (Nolan) - SUPPORT
Comprehensive Sex Ed - Requires that comprehensive, age-appropriate, medically accurate sex education be taught in public schools.
A4763(O'Donnell)/S(082) (Holyman) - SUPPORT
A4744 (Seawright)/S1478 (Hoylman) - SUPPORT
Student Suicide Prevention Act - Requires local education agencies to produce policies, procedures, and guidelines, which direct teachers and other school employees on how to respond to students who have demonstrated suicidal thoughts and ideation.
The Teach LGBT NY Bill - LGBTQ+ Social Studies/History awareness and accomplishments curriculum/instruction mandated in all K-12 schools in NYS.
Our Policy Successes
This year, A5240/S6479 which makes all single-stall restrooms in businesses and public places gender-neutral was signed by Governor Cuomo before the 2021-22 Legislative Session began!
Current Advocacy & Actions
Stay tuned for our new digital advocacy platform for GLSEN Upstate NY in Summer 2021!
Interested in conducting your own Local School Climate Survey?
Email Christina, Public Policy Coordinator, at christina.romeo5@gmail.com to get started!